MARC状态:已编 文献类型:西文图书 浏览次数:116
- 题名/责任者:
- American anthropologist.
- 出版发行项:
- [Washington, etc. : American Anthropological Association, etc.], 1888-
- 0002-7294
- 载体形态项:
- v. : ill., maps, ports. ; 24 cm.
- 起止卷期:
- Vol. 1 (Jan. 1888)-v. 11 (Dec. 1898); new ser., v. 1 (Jan. 1899)- .
- 附加统一题名:
- American anthropologist. Special publication
- 补编/特辑:
- Memoir (American Anthropological Association) 1040-4759
- 补编/特辑:
- Memoir series of the American Anthropological Association 1040-4740
- 补编/特辑:
- Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 1073-0850
- 先前出版物:
- Anthropological Society of Washington (Washington, D.C.). Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington
- 附加团体名称:
- American Ethnological Society.
- 论题主题:
- Anthropology-Periodicals.
- 中图法分类号:
- Q98
- 出版周期:
- Quarterly, <1983->
- 先前出版周期:
- Frequency varies
- 一般附注:
- Some no. have parts called: Special publication.
- 引文/参考附注:
- Women studies abstracts 0049-7835
- 引文/参考附注:
- Sociological abstracts 0038-0202
- 引文/参考附注:
- Reference sources 0163-3546
- 引文/参考附注:
- Psychological abstracts 0033-2887 1928-
- 引文/参考附注:
- Population index 0032-4701
- 引文/参考附注:
- MLA international bibliography of books and articles on the modern languages and literatures (Complete edition) 0024-8215
- 引文/参考附注:
- GeoRef 0197-7482
- 引文/参考附注:
- Book review index 0524-0581
- 引文/参考附注:
- Biological abstracts 0006-3169
- 引文/参考附注:
- Annual bibliography of English language and literature 0066-3786
- 引文/参考附注:
- America, history and life 0002-7065 1963-1972, 1982-
- 引文/参考附注:
- Social sciences index 0094-4920
- 编号特点附注:
- Beginning with v. 50 (1948) the notation "new series" is omitted.
- 累积索引附注:
- v. 1-11; new ser. v. 1-30, 1888-1928 (includes also index to Current anthropological literature and Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association), 1 v.; v. 31-40, 1929-32 (includes also index to Current anthropological literature and Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association), in v. 42; v. 41-50, 1939-48 (includes also index to Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association), 1 v.; v. 51-60, 1949-58 (includes also index to Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association), 1 v.; v. 61-71, 1959-69 (includes also index to Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association), 1 v.
- 连接款目附注:
- Has supplements: Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, 1906-1941; Memoir series of the American Anthropological Association, 1942-1952; Memoir (American Anthropological Association), 1953-1963.
- 连接款目附注:
- Vols. 1-11 (1888-98) were published under the auspices of the Anthropological Society of Washington, and supersede the society's Transactions.