MARC状态:已编 文献类型:西文图书 浏览次数:81
- 题名/责任者:
- Characterization and toxicity of smoke / Harry K. Hasegawa, editor.
- 出版发行项:
- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, c1990.
- 0803113862
- 载体形态项:
- xi, 183 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
- 丛编说明:
- STP ; 1082.
- 丛编统一题名:
- ASTM special technical publication ; 1082.
- 附加个人名称:
- Hasegawa, Harry K., 1947-
- 论题主题:
- Combustion gases-Toxicology-Congresses.
- 论题主题:
- Smoke-Toxicology-Congresses.
- 中图法分类号:
- R595.1-53
- 一般附注:
- Contains papers presented at a symposium held in Phoenix, Ariz. on Dec. 5, 1988 and sponsored by ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards.
- 一般附注:
- "ASTM publication code number (PCN) 04-010820-31"--T.p. verso.
- 书目附注:
- Includes bibliographical references and index.