MARC状态:审校 文献类型:西文图书 浏览次数:64
- 题名/责任者:
- China-Africa dispute settlement : the law, economics and culture of arbitration / Won Kidane.
- 出版发行项:
- Alphen Aan Den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International ; Frederick, MD : Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers, c2012.
- 9789041136749 (hbk. : alk. paper)
- 9041136746 (hbk. : alk. paper)
- 载体形态项:
- xiv, 591 p. ; 25 cm.
- 个人责任者:
- Kidane, Won.
- 论题主题:
- Dispute resolution (Law)
- 地理名称主题:
- China-Foreign economic relations-Africa.
- 地理名称主题:
- Africa-Foreign economic relations-China.
- 中图法分类号:
- D829.4
- 书目附注:
- Includes bibliographical references (p. [543]-562) index.
- 内容附注:
- General introduction -- Historical background of China-Africa economic relations -- The multilateral trading system and the place of China and Africa within it -- The WTO dispute settlement system and the barriers developing nations face -- Considerations in trade dispute resolution unique to China-Africa relations -- Evaluating regional options and a look at the arbitration alternative -- The evolution of international investment law -- The sources and content of current international investment law -- The sources of law in China-Africa investment relations -- Private commercial relations -- Domestic legal networks -- International arbitration -- Arbitration in the United States and Europe : profiles of selected arbitral institutions -- Arbitration in Asia and Africa : profiles of selected arbitral institutions -- Summary of conclusions and recommendations.