中文图书1.世界舞台上的政治 D5/7043
可借复本:1 (美) 约翰·鲁尔克著
世界图书出版公司北京公司 2012
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西文图书2.International politics on the world stage / Brief 6th ed. D50/R862.1-6
可借复本:0 John T. Rourke, Mark A. Boyer.
McGraw-Hill, c2006.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.International politics on the world stage / 6th ed. D50/R862-6
可借复本:0 John T. Rourke.
Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, c1997.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.International politics on the world stage / Brief ed. D5/R862#1
可借复本:0 John T. Rourke, Mark A. Boyer.
Brown & Benchmark Publishers, c1996.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书5.Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial issues in world politics / 11th ed. D50/R862.1-11
可借复本:0 edited, selected, and with introductions by John T. Rourke.
McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, c2004.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书6.Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial issues in world politics / 9th ed. D50/R862-9
可借复本:0 edited, selected, and with introductions by John T. Rourke.
Dushkin Pub. Co., c2000.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书7.International politics on the world stage / 4th ed. D50/R862-4
可借复本:0 John T. Rourke.
Dushkin Pub. Group, c1993.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书8.Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial issues in world politics / D50/R862
可借复本:0 edited, selected and with introductions by John T. Rourke.
The dushkin Pub Co., c1987.
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西文图书9.International politics on the world stage / 9th ed. D50/R862.1-9
可借复本:0 John T. Rourke.
McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, A Division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书10.International politics on the world stage, brief / 5th ed. D50/R862-5
可借复本:0 John T. Rourke, Mark A. Boyer.
McGraw-Hill, 2003.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书11.Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial issues in world politics / 3rd ed. D50/R862-3
可借复本:0 edited, selected, and with introductions by John T. Rourke.
Dushkin Pub. Group, c1991.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书12.International politics on the world stage / D5/R862
可借复本:0 John T. Rourke.
Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1986.
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西文图书13.World politics : international politics on the world stage, brief / 3rd ed. D81/R862-3
可借复本:0 John T. Rourke, Mark A. Boyer.
Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, c2000.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书14.Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial issues in world politics / 11th ed. D50/R862-11
可借复本:0 edited, selected, and with introductions by John T. Rourke.
Dushkin Pub. Co., c2005.
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中文图书15.世界舞台上的国际政治 D8/7043
可借复本:1 (美) 约翰·罗尔克著
北京大学出版社 2005
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