西文图书1.Harmonic analysis and wave equations = 调和分析与波动方程 / O174.3/C822
可借复本:1 editors, Jean-Michel Coron, Tatsien Li, Wei-Min Wang.
高等教育出版社, 2019.
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西文图书2.Control and inverse problems for partial differential equations = 偏微分方程的控制与反问题 / O175.2/B221
可借复本:1 editors, Gang Bao, Zhejiang Univerity, China, Jean-Michel Coron, Université Pierre et Marie Curi...
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西文图书3.Nonlinear conservation laws, fluid systems and related topics = 非线性守恒律、流体力学方程组及相... O302/C518
可借复本:1 editors, Gui-Qiang Chen, Ta-Tsien Li, Chun Liu.
Higher Education Press ; c2009.
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西文图书4.Differential geometry : editors Philippe G Ciarlet, Ta-Tsien Li. theory and applications / O186.1/C566
可借复本:4 Ciarlet, Philippe.
Higher Education Press; 2008.
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西文图书5.Frontiers and prospects of contemporary applied mathematics / O29-53/L693
可借复本:3 editors, Tatsien Li, Pingwen Zhang.
Higher Education Press ; 2005.
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西文图书6.Some topics in industrial and applied mathematics / TB11/J48
可借复本:2 Rolf Jeltsch, Ta-Tsien Li, Ian H Sloan editors.
Higher Education Press, 2007.
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