西文非书资料1.MCAD/MCSD visual C# .net certification all-in-one exam guide = MCAD/MCSD visual C# .net认证考试指... Y/TP312/L742
可借复本:0 Kenneth S. Lind, Marj Rempel著.
Publishing House of Electronics Industry ; 2003.
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西文非书资料2.MCAD/MCSD学习指南 : XML web services and server components development with Visual Basic .NET : e... Y/TP393.092/L742
可借复本:0 Kenneth S. Lind著.
人民邮电出版社, 2003.
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中文非书资料3.Microsoft certified application develper&Microsoft certified solution developer:XML web services... Y/TP3/7429
可借复本:0 (美) Kenneth S.Lind著
人民邮电出版社 2003
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西文图书4.MCAD/MCSD学习指南 : XML web services and server components development with Visual Basic .NET : e... TP393.092/L742
可借复本:2 Kenneth S. Lind著.
人民邮电出版社, 2003.
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西文图书5.MCAD/MCSD visual C# .net certification : all-in-one exam guide = MCAD/MCSD visual C# .net认证考试... TP312/L742
可借复本:4 Kenneth S. Lind, Marj Rempel著.
Publishing House of Electronics Industry ; 2003.
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中文图书6.MCAD/MCSD学习指南:XML web services and server components development with visual Basic. NET(Exam7... TP3/7429
可借复本:3 (美) Kenneth S. Lind著
人民邮电出版社 2003
(0) 馆藏