西文图书1.Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with applications to engineering and science = 复分析基础及工程... O171/S128-3
可借复本:2 E. B. Saff, A. D. Snider等著.
China Machine Press, 2004.
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西文图书2.Pade and rational approximation : theory and applications : proceedings of an international sympo... O174.41/S128
可借复本:0 edited by E. B. Saff, R. S. Varga.
Academic Press, 1977.
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中文图书3.复分析基础及工程应用 O174.5/9041
可借复本:2 (美) E. B. Saff, A. D. Snider等著
机械工业出版社 2007
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