西文图书1.Political writings = 康德政治著作选 / 2nd, enl. ed. D095.164.1/K16-2
可借复本:2 Kant ; edited with an introduction and notes by Hans Reiss ; translated by H.B. Nisbet.
中国政法大学出版社, 2003.
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西文图书2.Political writings = 黑格尔政治著作选 / D095.164.1/H462
可借复本:4 G. W. F. Hegel ; edited by Laurence Dickey and H.B. Nisbet ; translated by H.B. Nisbet.
中国政法大学出版社, 2003.
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西文图书3.The early political writings of the German romantics = 德国浪漫主义早期政治著作选 / D095.164.1/B423
可借复本:2 edited and translated by Frederick C. Beiser.
中国政法大学出版社, 2003.
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西文图书4.Political writings = 莱布尼茨政治著作选 / 2nd ed. D095.164.1/L525
可借复本:2 Leibniz ; translated and edited with an introduction and notes by Patrick Riley.
中国政法大学出版社, 2003.
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西文图书5.The ego and its own / D095.614.1/S861
可借复本:2 Max Stirner ; edited by David Leopold = 自我和本我 / 马克斯·施蒂纳.
中国政法大学出版社, 2003.
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