中文图书1.模糊技术与应用选编 TP13-53/0243
可借复本:0 刘增良主编
北京航空航天大学出版社 1997
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西文图书2.Proceedings of the 1984 American Control Conference : Hyatt Islandia Hotel, San Diego, California... TP13-53/A512#2
可借复本:0 sponsoring organization American Automatic Control Council ; Member Societies American Insititute...
The American Automatic Control Council, 1984.
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西文图书3.Control theory for distributed parameter systems and applications / TP13-53/C748
可借复本:0 edited by F. Kappel, K. Kunisch, W. Schappacher.
Springer-Verlag, c1983.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书4.Proceedings of the 1982 American Control Conference : Sheraton National Hotel, Arlington, Virgina... TP13-53/A512#1
可借复本:0 sponsoring organization American Automatic Control Council.
ACC, 1982.
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西文图书5.Advances in control systems : theory and applications / TP13-52/T171
可借复本:1 edited by Gang Tao, Jing Sun.
中国科学技术大学出版社, 2009.
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西文图书6.Proceedings of the 1981 Joint Automatic Control Conference / TP13-53/J74
可借复本:0 sponsoring organizations, American Institute of Chemical Engineers ... [et al.].
Published on behalf of the American Automatic Control Council [by the American Society of Mechani... c1981.
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西文图书7.Proceedings of the 1983 American Control Conference : Sheraton-Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Calif... TP13-53/A512
可借复本:0 American Automatic Control Council.
IEEE, 1983?]
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中文图书8.第27届中国控制会议论文集 TP13-53/2627
可借复本:0 主编程代展, 李川
北京航空航天大学出版社 2008
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