西文图书1.Delivering data analytics : a step-by-step guide to driving adoption of business intelligence fro... F272.7/K29
可借复本:0 Nicholas Kelly.
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西文图书2.Proceedings of international forum on technological innovation and competitive technical intellig... G35-05/X7
可借复本:2 editor-in-chief, Xie Xinzhou, Li Yongjin = 技术创新与技术竞争情报 / 谢新洲, 李永进主编
Peking University Press, 2009.
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西文图书3.Rising sun : [a novel] / 1st Ballantine Books ed. I712.151/F951
可借复本:0 by Michael Crichton.
Ballantine Books, c1993.
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