西文图书1.Handbook of research on promoting women's careers / C913.68/V787
可借复本:0 edited by Susan Vinnicombe, Ronald J. Burke, Stacy Blake-Beard, Lynda L. Moore.
Edward Elgar, 2013.
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西文图书2.Seeds 2 : supporting women's work around the world / C913.68/L581
可借复本:0 edited by Ann Leonard ; introduction by Martha Alter Chen ; afterwords by Mayra Buvinic ... [et a...
Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1995.
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西文图书3.Our wildest dreams : women entrepreneurs making money, having fun, doing good / 1st paperback ed. F715/G581
可借复本:0 Joline Godfrey.
HarperBusiness, 1993, c1992.
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西文图书4.Creating women's networks : a how-to guide for women and companies / TP393/C357
可借复本:0 Catalyst ; foreword by Sheila W. Wellington.
Jossey-Bass, c1999.
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