西文图书1.The security risk handbook : assess, survey, audit / F272.35/S972
可借复本:0 Charles Swanson.
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西文图书2.Essentials of financial management / 3rd edition. F275/B855-3
可借复本:0 Eugene F. Brigham, Joel F. Houston ; Hsu Jun-ming, Kong Yoon Kee, A. N. Bany-Ariffin = 财务管理...
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书3.Lessons in corporate finance : a case studies approach to financial tools, financial policies, an... F275/A843
可借复本:0 Paul Asquith, Lawrence A. Weiss
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书4.Research on the impact of global economic integration and information networking on sustainable c... F114.41/Z63
可借复本:0 赵曙明 ... [et al.].
南京大学出版社, 2014.
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西文图书5.The international corporate governance system : audit roles and board oversight / D913.991/L638
可借复本:0 by Felix I. Lessambo.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书6.Corporate finance / 9th ed. F275/R826.1-9
可借复本:1 Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe = 公司理财 / 斯蒂芬 A.罗斯, 伦道夫 W.威斯...
China Machine Press, 2013.
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西文图书7.The risk premium factor : a new model for understanding the volatile forces that drive stock pric... F830.91/H355
可借复本:0 Stephen D. Hassett.
John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书8.Common Corporate Tax Base (CC(C)TB) and determination of taxable income : an international compar... F810.42/S747
可借复本:0 Christoph Spengel, York Z?llkau, editors.
Springer Verlag, 2012.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料9.Student CD-ROM for use with Principles of corporate finance : 7th ed. Y/F830.59/B828-7
可借复本:0 Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, c2003.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料10.Fundamentals of corporate finance : Y/F830/R826-5
可借复本:0 Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan.
Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料11.Financial management : theory and practice 10th ed. Y/F275/B854.1-10
可借复本:0 Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt.
Harcourt College Publishers, c2002.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料12.Fundamentals of corporate finance 7th ed. Y/F830/R826.1-7
可借复本:0 Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, c2006.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料13.Student CD-ROM for use with financial accounting : 3rd ed. Y/F830.4/L694-3
可借复本:0 [Robert Libby, Patricia A. Libby, Daniel G. Short].
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, c2001.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料14.Self-study software to accompany Foundations of financial management : Y/F275/B651.1-10
可借复本:0 Stanley B. Block, Geoffrey A. Hirt.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, c2002.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料15.Student CD-ROM to accompany corporate finance : 7th ed. Y/F275/R826-7
可借复本:0 Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, c2005.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料16.Fundamentals of corporate finance : 5th standard ed. Y/F830/R826-5#1
可借复本:0 Stephen A. Ross, Randoiph W.Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan.
Irwin/McGraw-Hill, c2000.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料17.Fundamentals of corporate finance 4th ed. Y/F830/B828.1-4
可借复本:0 Brealey, Richard A.
McGraw-Hill Irwin, c2004.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料18.Foundations of financial management 11th ed. Y/F275/B651-11
可借复本:0 Stanley B. Block, Geoffrey A. Hirt.
Irwin, c2005.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料19.Financing start-ups : how to raise money for emerging companies / Y/F276.3/B879
可借复本:0 by Robert Brown and Alan S. Gutterman = 启动财务 : 企业初创阶段筹集资金指南 / 罗伯特·布朗, 艾伦...
CITIC Publishing House ; 2004.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文非书资料20.Fundamentals of corporate finance 6th standard ed. Y/F830/R826-6
可借复本:0 Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan.
McGraw-Hill, c2003.
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