西文图书1.Analysis of chemical warfare degradation products / O627.51/K93
可借复本:0 Karolin K. Kroening, Renee N. Easter, Douglas D. Richardson, Stuart A. Willison, Joseph A. Caruso.
Wiley, 2011.
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西文图书2.A handbook of decomposition methods in analytical chemistry / O652-62/H236
可借复本:0 [by] Rudolf Bock ; translated [from the German] and revised by Iain L. Marr.
International Textbook Co., 1979.
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西文图书3.Methods of decomposition in inorganic analysis / O652.4/S949
可借复本:0 authors, Zdenéek éSulcek, Pavel Povondra.
CRC Press, c1989.
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