西文图书1.Discrimination laundering : the rise of organizational innocence and the crisis of equal opportun... D912.5/G798
可借复本:0 Tristin K. Green.
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西文图书2.Employment discrimination / Third edition. D971.225/F911-3
可借复本:0 Joel Wm. Friedman, Jack M. Gordon Professor of Procedural Law & Jurisdiction, Tulane Law School.
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西文图书3.Work and the enterprise culture / F156.1/C951
可借复本:0 edited by Malcolm Cross and Geoff Payne.
Falmer Press, 1991.
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西文图书4.Cases and materials on employment discrimination / 5th ed. D971.225/Z72-5
可借复本:0 Michael J. Zimmer ... [et al.].
Aspen Law & Business, c2000.
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