西文图书1.New techniques in digital holography / TB877/P586
可借复本:0 edited by Pascal Picart.
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西文图书2.Holographic recording materials / O348.12/S649
可借复本:0 edited by H. M. Smith ; with contributions by R. A. Bartolini ... [et al.].
Springer-Verlag, 1977.
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西文图书3.Applications of holography and optical data processing : proceedings of the international confere... TB877.1-53/M354
可借复本:0 editors, E. Marom, A. A. Friesem, and E. Wiener-Avnear.
Pergamon Press, 1977.
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西文图书4.Optical and acoustical holography; proceedings. / TB877.2-53/N864
可借复本:0 Edited by Ezio Camatini.
Plenum Press , 1972.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书5.Volume holography and volume gratings / TB877/S692
可借复本:0 L. Solymar and D.J. Cooke.
Academic Press, 1981.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书6.Holography and coherent optics / O43/S714
可借复本:0 L. M. Soroko ; translated from Russian by Albin Tybulewicz ; with a foreword by George W. Stroke.
Plenum Press, c1980.
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西文图书7.The making and evaluation of holograms. TB877/A161
可借复本:0 Abramson, Nils H.,
Academic Pr., 1981.
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西文图书8.Light and its uses : making and using lasers, holograms, interferometers, and instruments of disp... O434.19/W181
可借复本:0 with introductions by Jearl Walker.
W. H. Freeman, 1980.
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西文图书9.Lasers and holographic data processing / TN249/B316
可借复本:0 edited by N.G. Basov ; translated from the Russian by P.S. Ivanov.
Mir Publishers, 1984.
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西文图书10.Digital signal and image processing = 数字信号与图像处理 / TN911.73/B743
可借复本:2 Tamal Bose ; with Francois Meyer contributing Chapter 10 and Mei-Qin Chen contributing the Appendix.
Higher Education Press, 2004.
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西文图书11.Handbook of optical holography / O43-62/C372
可借复本:0 [edited by] H. J. Caulfield ; contributors, Gilbert April ... [et al.].
Academic Press, 1979.
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西文图书12.Engineering applications of lasers and holography / TN249/K76
可借复本:0 Winston E. Kock.
Plenum Press, [1975]
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西文图书13.Laser age in optics / TN249/T177
可借复本:0 L.V. Tarasov ; translated from the Russian by V. Kisin.
Mir Publishers, 1981.
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西文图书14.Optical holography : principles, techniques, and applications / O43/H281
可借复本:0 P. Hariharan.
Cambridge University Press, 1984.
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西文图书15.Advances in holography. V. 3 / TB877/A244
可借复本:0 edited by Nabil H. Farhat.
M. Dekker, 1976.
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