西文图书1.Do I want to be a mom? : a woman's guide to the decision of a lifetime / C913.1/D357
可借复本:0 Diana L. Dell and Suzan Erem.
Contemporary Books, c2004.
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西文图书2.The Spirit of pregnancy : an interactive anthology for your journey to motherhood / R173/G618
可借复本:0 Bonni Goldberg
Contemporary Books , c2000
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西文图书3.Romanticism, maternity, and the body politic / I561.094/K57
可借复本:0 Julie Kipp.
Cambridge University Press, c2003.
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西文图书4.Chicken soup for the mother's soul = 心灵鸡汤 : 母爱悠悠 / H319.4/C222
可借复本:4 Jack Canfield ... [et al.].
安徽科学技术出版社, 2006.
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西文图书5.Managing literacy, mothering America : women's narratives on reading and writing in the nineteent... I712.076/R636
可借复本:0 Sarah Robbins.
University of Pittsburgh Press, c2004.
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