西文图书1.Robust control for strict-feedback form nonlinear systems and its application = 严格反馈型非线性... TP273/S957
可借复本:1 Changyin Sun, Yao Yu.
Science Press, 2014.
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西文图书2.Semiconductor lasers : stability, instability and chaos / 2nd ed. TN248.4/O38-2
可借复本:1 J. Ohtsubo = 半导体激光器 : 稳定性、失稳与混沌 / 大坪顺次著.
Peking University Press, 2013.
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西文图书3.Symmetry and complexity : the spirit and beauty of nonlinear science = 对称与复杂 : 非线性科学的... N93/M227
可借复本:2 Klaus Mainzer.
科学出版社, 2007.
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西文图书4.Fractional-order nonlinear systems : modeling, analysis and simulation = 分数维非线性系统 : 建模... TP271/P497
可借复本:1 Ivo Petrá?.
Higher Education Press, 2011.
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