西文图书1.Principles of plasma mechanics / O53/C435
可借复本:0 Bishwanath Chakraborty.
Wiley Eastern Limited, 1978.
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西文图书2.Coherent non-linear interaction of waves in plasmas / O53/W422
可借复本:0 by J. Weiland and H. Wilhelmsson.
Pergamon Press, c1977.
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西文图书3.Large amplitude waves and fields in plasmas : proceedings of the 2nd week of the spring college o... O53-53/B613
可借复本:0 editors R.Bingham ... [et al].
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, c1990.
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西文图书4.Long-time prediction in dynamics / O414.2/H823
可借复本:0 edited by C.W. Horton Jr., L.E. Reichl, and V.G. Szebehely.
Wiley, c1983.
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西文图书5.Topics on nonlinear wave-plasma interaction / O53/B348
可借复本:0 Klaus Baumgartel, Konrad Sauer.
Birkhaaser Verlag, 1987.
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