西文图书1.Foreign policy as public policy? : promises and pitfalls / D81/B893
可借复本:0 edited by Klaus Brummer, Sebastian Harnisch, Kai Oppermann, Diana Panke.
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西文图书2.Why isn't government policy more preventive? / First edition. D756.122/C136
可借复本:0 Paul Cairney and Emily St Denny.
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西文图书3.Public policy in action : perspectives on the policy process / D0/B424
可借复本:0 Victor Bekkers, Menno Fenger, Peter Scholten.
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西文图书4.Policy analysis in Israel / D738.222/M534
可借复本:0 edited by Gila Menahem and Amos Zehavi.
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西文图书5.Policy analysis in the Czech Republic / D752.422/V575
可借复本:0 edited by Arno?t Vesel?, Martin Nekola, Eva M. Hejzlarová.
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西文图书6.Dismantling public policy : preferences, strategies, and effects / D0/B344
可借复本:0 edited by Michael W. Bauer, Andrew Jordan, Christoffer Green-Pedersen, and Adrienne Héritier.
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西文图书7.Controversies in American public policy / D771.222/H668
可借复本:0 [collected by] John A. Hird.
St. Martin's Press, c1995.
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西文图书8.China under Deng Xiaoping : political and economic reform / D6/C456
可借复本:0 David Wen-Wei Chang ; foreword by Robert A. Scalapino.
Macmillan Press, 1988.
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西文图书9.Understanding public policy / 10th ed. D771.222/D798-10
可借复本:4 Thomas R. Dye = 理解公共政策 / 托马斯· R·戴伊著.
中国人民大学出版社, 2004.
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西文图书10.The European Union and the member states : cooperation, coordination, and compromise / D750.4/Z43
可借复本:0 edited by Eleanor E. Zeff, Ellen B. Pirro.
Lynne Rienner Publishers, c2001.
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西文图书11.Politics and public policies in California / D771.2/C968
可借复本:0 John H. Culver and Lorie L. Shelley.
The Mcgraw-hill Companies, Inc., 1997.
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西文图书12.Understanding public policy / 12th ed. D771.222/D798-12
可借复本:2 Thomas R. Dye = 理解公共政策 / 托马斯·R. 戴伊著.
中国人民大学出版社, 2009.
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西文图书13.American public policy 96/97 : readings from the National Journal. / D771.222/S859
可借复本:0 Bruce Stinebricknet.
Dushkin Publishing Group, c1996.
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西文图书14.Issues for debate in American public policy / 5th ed. D971.22/C882-5
可借复本:0 CQ Press.
CQ Press, Division of Congressional Quarterly Inc., c2004.
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西文图书15.Agendas, alternatives, and public policies / 2nd ed. D771.22/K52-2
可借复本:2 John W. Kingdon =议程、备选方案与公共政策/约翰·金登.
Peking University Press, 2006.
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西文图书16.The keys to power : managing the presidency / D771.221/W295
可借复本:0 Shirley Anne Warshaw.
Longman, c2000.
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西文图书17.Public policy analysis : an introduction / 2nd ed. D771.1/P153-2
可借复本:0 Pal Leslie A.
Nelson Canada,
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西文图书18.The art of policy making : tools, techniques, and processes in the modern executive branch / D0/S528
可借复本:2 George E. Shambaugh IV, Paul J. Weinstein, Jr =政策制定的艺术 :现代行政部门中的工具、技术和过程/...
Peking University Press, 2006.
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