西文图书1.Understanding business = 商务学导论 / 9th ed. F715/N632-9
可借复本:1 William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh, Susan M. McHugh著.
清华大学出版社, 2012.
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西文图书2.Fundamentals of human resource management = 人力资源管理基础 / F240/N763
可借复本:4 Raymond A. Noe ... [et al.]著.
清华大学出版社, 2004.
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西文图书3.Introduction to operations research = 运筹学导论 / 9th ed. F224.3/H654-9
可借复本:1 Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman著.
清华大学出版社 : 2010.
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西文图书4.Introduction to operations research = 运筹学导论 / 8th ed. F224.3/H654-8
可借复本:2 Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman 著.
清华大学出版社, 2006.
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西文图书5.Understanding business = 商务学导论 / 7th ed. F715/N632-7
可借复本:2 William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh, Susan M. McHugh著.
清华大学出版社, 2005.
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西文图书6.Marketing : the core = 营销学 : 核心概念 / 2nd ed. F713.50/K39-2
可借复本:2 Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, William Rudelius著.
清华大学出版社 : 2007.
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西文图书7.Essentials of contemporary management = 当代管理精要 / 4th ed. C93/J77-4
可借复本:1 Gareth R. Jones, Jennifer M. George著.
清华大学出版社, 2011.
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西文图书8.Essentials of investments = 投资学精要 / 6th ed. F830.59/B667.2-6
可借复本:2 Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus著.
清华大学出版社, 2006.
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西文图书9.Marketing management : knowledge and skills = 营销管理 : 知识和技能 / 7th ed. F713.50/P478-7
可借复本:4 J. Paul Peter, James H. Donnelly.
清华大学出版社, c2004.
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西文图书10.Fundamentals of operations management = 运营管理基础 / 4th ed. F273/D263-4
可借复本:2 Mark M. Davis, Nicholas J. Aquilano, Richard B. Chase 著.
清华大学出版社, 2004.
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西文图书11.Public finance = 财政学 / 7th ed. F817.12/R813.1-7
可借复本:4 Harvey S. Rosen著.
清华大学出版社, 2005.
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西文图书12.Strategy : winning in the marketplace : core concepts, analytical tools, cases = 战略管理 : 获取... F272/T468
可借复本:2 Arthur A. Thompson, Jr., John E. Gamble, A.J. Strickland III.
清华大学出版社, 2004.
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西文图书13.Marketing : the core = 营销学 : 核心概念 / F713.50/K39
可借复本:2 (美) Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, William Rudelius 著.
清华大学出版社 : 2005.
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西文图书14.Strategic management of technological innovation = 技术创新的战略管理 / F273.1/S334
可借复本:2 Melissa A. Schilling著.
清华大学出版社 : 2005.
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西文图书15.Leadership : enhancing the lessons of experience / 5th ed. C933/H893-5
可借复本:2 Richard L. Hughes, Robert C. Ginnett and Gordon J. Curphy = 领导学 / 理查德·哈格斯, 罗伯特·吉纳...
清华大学出版社, 2006.
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