西文图书1.General relativity and matter : a spinor field theory from fermis to light-years / O412.1/S121
可借复本:0 by Mendel Sachs ; with a foreword by Clive Kilmister.
D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1982.
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西文图书2.Microphysical reality and quantum formalism, v. 2 / O413-53/V217
可借复本:0 edited by A. Van der Merwe, F. Selleri, and G. Tarozzi.
D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1988.
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西文图书3.A development of quantum mechanics, based on symmetry considerations / O413.1/D856
可借复本:0 by George H. Duffey.
D. Reidel ; c1984.
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西文图书4.Nonlocal quantum field theory and stochastic quantum mechanics / O412.3/N174
可借复本:0 by Khavtgain Namsrai.
D. Reidel pub. Co. ; c1986.
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西文图书5.The meaning of quantum gravity / O413/B739
可借复本:1 by H.-H. von Borzeszkowski and H.-J. Treder.
D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1988.
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西文图书6.Clifford algebra to geometric calculus : a unified language for mathematics and physics / O15/H588
可借复本:0 by David Hestenes and Garret Sobczyk.
D. Reidel ; c1984.
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