西文图书1.Electrodynamics of metamaterials / TM27/S251
可借复本:1 A. K. Sarychev, V. M. Shalaev = 超颖材料电动力学 / 萨雷切夫, 沙拉耶夫著.
Peking University Press, 2012.
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西文图书2.Electrodynamics of continuous media / 2nd ed., rev. and enl. O442/L253-2
可借复本:0 by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz ; translated from the Russian by J.B. Sykes, J.S. Bell, and M.J....
Pergamon ; 1999, c 1984.
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中文图书3.电动力学.修订版 O442/2135/ -1
可借复本:6 虞福春, 郑春开编著
北京大学出版社 2003
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