西文图书1.Presidential leadership : politics and policy making / 6th ed. D771.221/E26-6
可借复本:0 George C. Edwards III, Stephen J. Wayne.
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, c2003.
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西文图书2.Presidential leadership : politics and policy making / 5th ed. D771.221/E26-5
可借复本:0 George C. Edwards III, Stephen J. Wayne.
St. Martin's Press : c1999.
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中文图书3.我主白宫:美国总统排行榜:rating the best and the worst in the White House K837.127/3040
可借复本:4 詹姆斯·特兰托, 里奥纳多·里奥著
江苏美术出版社 2005
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