西文图书1.Promises not kept : the betrayal of social change in the Third World / 2nd ed. D50/I76-2
可借复本:0 John Isbister.
Kumarian Press, 1993.
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西文图书2.Promises not kept : the betrayal of social change in the Third World / 3rd ed. D501/I76-3
可借复本:0 John Isbister.
Kumarian Press, 1995.
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中文图书3.靠不住的诺言:贫穷和第三世界发展的背离:poverty and the betrayal of third world development F112.1/4940
可借复本:3 约翰·伊斯比斯特著
广东人民出版社 2006
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