- 000 01572cam0 2200301 450
- 010 __ |a 978-7-5086-3926-0 |d CNY42.00
- 099 __ |a CAL 012013084469
- 100 __ |a 20130704d2013 em y0chiy50 ea
- 200 1_ |a 创新者的挑战 |A chuang xin zhe de tiao zhan |e 颠覆性创新如何变革个人、商业以及国家 |f (美) 范思杰著 |d = Need, speed, and greed |e how the new rules innovation can transform businesses, propel nations to greatness, and tame the world's most wicked problems |f Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran |g 王晓鹂译 |z eng
- 210 __ |a 北京 |c 中信出版社 |d 2013
- 215 __ |a xix, 212页 |d 23cm
- 314 __ |a 编目员自译责任者 (Vaitheeswaran) 汉译姓: 维塞斯瓦伦
- 330 __ |a 本书深入探究符合时代发展要求的创新思维,借鉴颠覆性创新领域的新观点和新理念,对颠覆性创新的种种共识提出了批判和解释,对全球经济、能源、科技发展与创新结合的发展趋势提出了新的见解和具体解决方案,揭示重塑世界经济的创新规则。
- 500 10 |a Need, speed, and greed : how the new rules innovation can transform businesses, propel nations to greatness, and tame the world's most wicked problems |m Chinese
- 517 1_ |a 颠覆性创新如何变革个人、商业以及国家 |A dian fu xing chuang xin ru he bian ge ge ren、shang ye yi ji guo jia
- 606 0_ |a 技术革新 |A ji shu ge xin |x 研究
- 701 _1 |a 维塞斯瓦伦 |A wei sai si wa lun |g (Vaitheeswaran, Vijay V.) |4 著
- 702 _0 |a 王晓鹂 |A wang xiao li |4 译
- 801 _0 |a CN |b ZJU |c 20130704
- 905 __ |a SCNU |f F062.4/5055