- 010 __ |a 978-7-111-45908-8 |d CNY45.00
- 099 __ |a CAL 012014036256
- 100 __ |a 20140402d2014 em y0chiy50 ea
- 200 1_ |a 成功领导者的八项核心能力 |A cheng gong ling dao zhe de ba xiang he xin neng li |f (美) 拉姆·查兰著 |d = Know-how : the 8 skills that separate people who perform from those who don't |f Ram Charan |g 徐中译 |z eng
- 210 __ |a 北京 |c 机械工业出版社 |d 2014
- 215 __ |a 232页 |c 图 |d 25cm
- 225 2_ |a 领导梯队建设 |A ling dao ti dui jian she
- 306 __ |a 由Ram Charan通过Andrew Nurnberg Asociates International Ltd.授权出版
- 330 __ |a 本书可谓是查兰总结的成功企业家的胜任力模型,针对的是CEO和事业部总经理,培养他们如何在快速变化的商业环境中准确定位、使众人行动、达成目标、基业长青的核心能力。
- 500 10 |a Know-how : the 8 skills that separate people who perform from those who don't |m Chinese
- 606 0_ |a 企业领导学 |A qi ye ling dao xue
- 701 _1 |a 查兰 |A cha lan |g (Charan, Ram) |4 著
- 702 _0 |a 徐中 |A xu zhong |4 译
- 801 _0 |a CN |b NMU |c 20140402
- 905 __ |a SCNU |f F272.91/2070/ 5