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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 EDN. 0012-7515 Rogers Pub. Co., TN/23
3 ELT journal 0951-0893 The University Press, c1982- H/3
4 Early music 0306-1078 Oxford University Press] J6/1
5 Eastern European economics. 0012-8775 M. E. Sharpe, etc.], 1962- F1/1
6 Economic Geography 0013-0095 Clark University, 1925- F119/1
7 Economica. 0013-0427 T. Fisher Unwin, [1921- F0/1
8 Education digest. 0013-127X Education Digest, 1935- G4/4
9 Electrical & electronics abstracts Author index. 0036-8105 Institution of Electrical Engineers. Z89:TM/1
10 Electrical & electronics abstracts Subject index. 0036-8105 Institution of Electrical Engineers 1966- Z89:TM/2
11 Electrical manufacturing 0895-3716 Lake Publishing Corp., 1987-1992 TM/14
12 Electrical patents index, alerting abstracts bulletin (country order) U, Semiconductors and elect... 736C0093 Derwent Publication Ltd., 1991- TN/22
13 Electroanalytical abstracts. 0013-4775 Birkhèauser Verlag, c1963-1985. Z89:O65/2
14 Electrochimica acta. 0013-4686 Pergamon Pr., 1959- O6/59
15 Electronic engineering. 0013-4902 Morgan-Grampian, -2001 TN/31
16 Electronic engineers master catalog : EEM. 0732-9016 United Technical Publications, TN/24
17 Electronic products. 0013-4953 United Technical Publications, c1981- TN/21
18 Electronic technology. 0141-061X Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians. TN/32
19 Electronics & wireless world. 0266-3244 Business Press International Ltd., 1983-1989 TN01/1
20 Electronics test. 0164-9620 Miller Freeman Publications, etc.] TN/4
21 Electronics today international. 0142-7229 Modern Magazines (Holdings) Ltd.], TN/26
22 Electronics world + wireless world . 0959-8332 Reed Business Pub., c1996- TN/5
23 Electronics world. 0266-3244 Business Press International Ltd., 1983-1989] TN/38
24 Electronics. 0883-4989 McGraw-Hill, c1985- TN/2
25 Electrotechnology. 0306-8552 the IEETE, 1973- TN/37
26 Elektor electronics. 0268-4519 Elektor Pub., c1984- TN6/1
27 Encounter. 0013-7073 Encounter Ltd., etc.], 1953-1990. C/2
28 Engineering technology. 1462-2165 the IIE, c1998- TN/36
29 English journal. 0013-8274 National Council of Teachers of English, etc.], 1912- H31/12
30 English today. 0266-0784 Cambridge University Press, 1985- H31/6
31 Environment international. 0160-4120 Pergamon, 1978- X/1
32 Environmental science & technology. 0013-936X American Chemical Society, c1967- X/5
33 Enzyme and microbial technology. 0141-0229 Elsevier Science Inc., Q/8
34 Essays in criticism. 0014-0856 Blackwell, 1951- I106/1
35 Essential teacher : 1545-6501 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, [2003]- H31/10
36 Ethnic and racial studies. 0141-9870 Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978- C95/1
37 Ethnic studies report. 1010-5832 International Centre for Ethnic Studies, [1983- C95/2
38 Ethnography. 1466-1381 Sage Publications, ?000- C95/4
39 Ethnology. 0014-1828 University of Pittsburgh], 1962- Q98/3
40 Europe-Asia studies. 0966-8136 Carfax Pub. Co., 1993- D75/1
41 European journal of biochemistry / 0014-2956 Springer-Verlag, 1967- Q/3
42 European journal of combinatorics. 0195-6698 Academic Press, c1980- O1/3
43 Eurostatistics. 0252-8266 Office for Official Publications of the Europear communities, 19.. F/1
44 Experientia. 0014-4754 Verlag Birkhèauser, 1945-1996. N/14
45 The Electrical review. 0013-4384 IPC Electrical-Electronic Press, TM/13
46 The English historical review. 0013-8266 Oxford University Press, etc., 1886]- K561/1
47 The English journal. College ed. University of Chicago Press, 1928-1939. H/13
48 The economic journal. 0013-0133 Macmillan, 1891- F/3
49 The economist. 0013-0613 [Economist Newspaper Ltd., 1843- F/4