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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 October. 0226-1138 The Forge Publications, 1981- D/4
2 Omega. 0305-0483 Pergamon Press, 1973- C93/2
3 Online. 0146-5422 Online, inc.], 1977- TP3/84
4 Opera news. 0030-3607 Metropolitan Opera Guild] J8/1
5 Operating systems review. 0163-5980 ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems], 1970- TP/2
6 Operations research. 0030-364X Operations Research Society of America, 1956- O1/21
7 Organic Mass Spectrometry. 0030-493X Pleyden & Sons, 1968- O6/55
8 Organic preparations and procedures international. 0030-4948 Organic Preparations and Procedures, inc.], 1971- O6/39
9 Organometallic compounds. 0030-5138 R. H. Chandler [etc.], 1961- TQ/21
10 Organometallics. 0276-7333 American Chemical Society, [c1982- O6/107