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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 I humanite rouge
2 IBM journal of research and development. 0018-8646 International Business Machines Corp., 1957- TP3/44
3 IBM systems journal. 0018-8670 International Business Machines Corp., TP3/59
4 IC master. 0894-6809 Hearst Business Communications, etc.] TN4-62/1
5 IEE Proceedings. A, Science, Measurement and Technology / 0960-7641 IEE, 1991-1993. TM/16
6 IEE proceedings. Communications. 1350-2425 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994- TN/33
7 IEE proceedings. Control theory and applications 1350-2379 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1994- TP/18
8 IEE proceedings. E, Computers and digital techniques. 0143-7062 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1993. TP3/101
9 IEE proceedings. G, Circuits, devices, and systems. 0956-3768 IEE, [c1989- 1993. TM/6
10 IEE proceedings. Software. 1462-5970 Institution of Electrical Engineers, TP3/33
11 IEEE Expert : Intelligent Systems and Their Applications / 0885-9000 IEEE Computer Society, 1986-1997 TP1/1
12 IEEE Wireless Communications 1536-1284 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2002- TN/28
13 IEEE circuits and devices magazine. 8755-3996 IEEE, c1985-c1990. TN4/2
14 IEEE communications magazine. 0163-6804 Communications Society of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1979- TN91/2
15 IEEE computer applications in power / 0895-0156 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1988- TM7/1
16 IEEE computer graphics and applications. 0272-1716 IEEE Computer Society , c1981- TP3/7
17 IEEE concurrency. 1092-3063 IEEE Computer Society, c1997- TP/17
18 IEEE design & test of computers / 0740-7475 IEEE Computer Society, c1984- TP3/76
19 IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society. 0741-3106 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1980- TN1/1
20 IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine : the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in... 0739-5175 The Society, [c1982- TM/9
21 IEEE expert. 0885-9000 IEEE Computer Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1986-1997. TP/9
22 IEEE internet computing. 1089-7801 IEEE Computer Society Publications Office, c1997- TP/4
23 IEEE journal on selected areas in communications : a publication of the IEEE Communications Society. 0733-8716 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1983- TN91/4
24 IEEE micro. 0272-1732 IEEE Computer Society, [c1981- TP/1
25 IEEE multimedia. 1070-986X IEEE Computer Society, c1994- TM/7
26 IEEE network. 0890-8044 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1987- TP3/28
27 IEEE personal communications : a publication of the IEEE Communications Society in cooperation wi... 1070-9916 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1994-2001. TN/27
28 IEEE robotics and automation magazine : A publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 1070-9932 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Inc. 1994- TP2/1
29 IEEE signal processing letters. 1070-9908 IEEE Signal Processing Society, c1994- TN91/7
30 IEEE signal processing magazine. 1053-5888 Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, c1991- TN91/1
31 IEEE software. 0740-7459 IEEE Computer Society, c1984- TP3/29
32 IEEE spectrum. 0018-9235 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964- TN/7
33 IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing. 0096-3518 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1974-1990. TN91/5
34 IEEE transactions on automatic control. 0018-9286 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1963- TM/12
35 IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering / 0018-9294 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1964- R/1
36 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology / 1051-8215 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1991- TN94/1
37 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society... 1057-7130 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1992- TM/5
38 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society... 1057-7122 IEEE, c1992-c2003. TN7/1
39 IEEE transactions on communications. 0090-6778 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1972- TN91/3
40 IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems : a publication of... 0278-0070 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1982- TP3/100
41 IEEE transactions on computers. 0018-9340 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1968- TP3/1
42 IEEE transactions on education / 0018-9359 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, T/3
43 IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility. 0018-9375 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1964- TM/3
44 IEEE transactions on electron devices. 0018-9383 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963- TN/39
45 IEEE transactions on engineering management / 0018-9391 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963- F4/2
46 IEEE transactions on image processing 1057-7149 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1992- TP3/30
47 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics : a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics So... 0278-0046 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1982- TN/20
48 IEEE transactions on industry applications. 0093-9994 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers], 1972- TM/1
49 IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine : a publication of the IEEE Engineerin... 1089-7771 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1997- TM/10
50 IEEE transactions on information theory 0018-9448 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963- TM/11
51 IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement. 0018-9456 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963- TM93/1
52 IEEE transactions on multimedia. 1520-9210 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., TP3/93
53 IEEE transactions on neural networks 1045-9227 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1990- TP3/32
54 IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems / 1045-9219 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990- TP3/98
55 IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 0162-8828 IEEE Computer Society, 1979- TP/3
56 IEEE transactions on plasma science. 0093-3813 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1973- TM/8
57 IEEE transactions on reliability / 0018-9529 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963- TM/17
58 IEEE transactions on robotics and automation : a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation... 1042-296X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1989-2004. TP/15
59 IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing 0894-6507 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1988- TN3/4
60 IEEE transactions on signal processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. 1053-587X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1991- TM/2
61 IEEE transactions on software engineering. 0098-5589 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1975- TP3/45
62 IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing So... 1063-6676 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1993- TM/15
63 IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. 0018-9472 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1971-1995. TP/12
64 IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics. 1077-2626 IEEE Computer Society, c1995- TP391/1
65 IEEE/ACM transactions on networking : a joint publication of the IEEE Communications Society, the... 1063-6692 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1993- TP3/31
66 IEICE transactions on communications. 0916-8516 Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, c1992- TN/30
67 IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences. 0916-8508 Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, c1992- TN/29
68 IET software. 1751-8806 Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2007- TP3/33#1
69 Image understanding. 0748-0059 Ablex Pub. Corp., c1984- TP31/3
70 Index Chemicus 0891-6055 Institute for Scientific Information, 1987- Z89:O6/4
71 Index to IEEE publications. 0099-1368 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1973- TN/25
72 Indian journal of chemistry. 0019-5103 Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, in association with Indian National Science Academy, -c1975. O6/4
73 Indian journal of chemistry. Section A. Inorganic, physical, theoretical and analytical chemistry / 0376-4710 Publications and Informations Directorate (CSIR), 1976- O6/27
74 Industrial & engineering chemistry fundamentals. 0196-4313 American Chemical Society], 1962-1986. TQ/14
75 Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development. 0196-4321 American Chemical Society, c1978-c1986. TQ/13
76 Industrial & engineering chemistry research. 0888-5885 American Chemical Society, c1987- TQ/1
77 Industrial & engineering chemistry. Analytical ed. 0096-4484 American Chemical Society, 1929-1946. O65/5
78 Industrial and engineering chemistry process design and development. 0196-4305 American Chemical Society], 1962-1986 TQ/12
79 Industrial management. 0019-8471 Industrial Management Society, F4/1
80 Information and computation. 0890-5401 Academic Press, c1987- TP/5
81 Information and software technology. 0950-5849 Butterworths, c1987- TP3/11
82 Information executive 1041-9088 Data Processing Management Association, 1989- TP3/90
83 Information processing & management. 0306-4573 Pergamon Press, 1975- G35/1
84 Information sciences. 0020-0255 North-Holland [etc.], 1968- TP3/58
85 Information security journal / A global perspective. 1939-3555 Taylor & Francis Group, 2008- TP3/19#1
86 Information systems management. 1058-0530 Auerbach, c1991- TP3/41
87 Information systems security. 1065-898X Auerbach Publications, c1992- TP3/19
88 Information systems. 0306-4379 Pergamon Press, 1975- TP3/57
89 Informationstechnik : IT / 0179-9738 R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1986-1992. TP3/86
90 Inorganic chemistry. 0020-1669 American Chemical Society, 1962- O6/18
91 Inorganica chimica acta : articles and letters 0020-1693 Elsevier Sequoia S.A., 1967- O6/57
92 Insect science. 1672-9609 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd., 1993- Q96/1#1
93 Instrumentation science & technology. 1073-9149 Marcel Dekker, Inc., c1994- TH/1
94 Integrated circuits. Digital integrated circuits. 0899-8523 D.A.T.A. Business Pub., c1988-c1989. TN4/7
95 International Journal of Applied Linguistics 0802-6106(print), 1473-4192(online) Blackwell paublishing, 1991- H08/2
96 International abstracts in operations research. 0020-580X International Federation of Operational Research Societies [etc.] O22/1
97 International affairs. 0130-9641 Znanye Pub. House, 1955- D8/1
98 International economic review. 0020-6598 Economics Dept. of the University of Pennsylvania and the Osaka University Institute of Social an... 1960- F0/6
99 International journal of algebra and computation. 0218-1967 World Scientific, c1991- O1/32
100 International journal of automation and computing. 1476-8186 Science Press, 2004- TP/19#1
101 International journal of chemical kinetics. 0538-8066 Wiley, 1969- O6/23
102 International journal of computer applications 1206-212X c1997- TP3/99
103 International journal of computer mathematics. 0020-7160 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1964- O1/26
104 International journal of electronics. 0020-7217 Taylor & Francis, 1965- TN/6
105 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry. 0306-7319 Gordon and Breach, 1971- X/3
106 International journal of man-machine studies. 0020-7373 Academic Press, 1969- T/2
107 International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics. 0020-7381 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., [1968?-1983?] O65/6
108 International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes. 0168-1176 Elsevier, c1983-1998. O65/3
109 International journal of mini & microcomputers. 0702-0481 ACTA Press, 1978-1996. TP3/82
110 International journal of parallel programming. 0885-7458 Plenum Press, c1986- TP3/53
111 International journal of public opinion research. 0954-2892 Oxford University Press, 1989- D/3
112 International journal of quantum chemistry. 0020-7608 John Wiley & Sons Inc. O6/35
113 International journal of sociology. 0020-7659 M.E. Sharpe, etc.], 1971- C91/5
114 International journal of the sociology of language. 9027978174 Mouton, H/8
115 International laboratory. European ed. 0010-2164 International Scientific Communications], 1971- O6/71
116 International legal materials. 0020-7829 American Society of International Law, [1962- D99/2
117 International philosophical quarterly : IPQ. 0019-0365 Fordham University Press, 1961- B/1
118 International tourism reports. 0269-3747 Economist Publications, [c1986]-1998. F59/1
119 The Islamic quarterly. 0021-1842 Islamic Cultural Centre, 1954- K37/1