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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 H R Magazine. 1047-3149 Society for Human Resource Management, c1990- F2/1
2 Harper's. 0017-789X Harper's Magazine Foundation, c1976- C91/3
3 Harvard business review. 0017-8012 Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1922- F7/2
4 Harvard educational review. 0017-8055 Harvard University, etc.], 1937- G4/2
5 Harvard law review. 0017-811X Harvard Law Review Pub. Association, c1887- D9/1
6 Helvetica chimica acta. 0018-019X Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta, O6/47
7 Herald Internationa Gribune
8 High performance systems. 1043-7282 CMP Publications, c1989- TN4/6
9 History today. 0018-2753 s.n.], 1951- K1/5
10 How. 0886-0483 RC Publications, c1985- J/6
11 Human Resource Management 0090-4848 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962- F2/2
12 Hydrocarbon processing. International ed. 0018-8190 Gulf Pub. Co., TQ/10
13 The Historian 0018-2370 Michigan State University Press, 1938- K1/3